Webinar Training

Gee Whiz Education’s Curriculum

At Gee Whiz, we are proud to offer FREE webinar training to providers. Scroll down to register for our next live webinar or watch those that have been recorded. Links to handouts as well as required assessments/certificate are provided.

Webinar Online Seminar Global Communications Concept

Recorded Webinar

  • Lesson Planning for a Mixed Age Group


Lesson planning for a mixed-age group

Planning experiences for a mixed-age group can be very challenging! Please plan to join Gee Whiz for our next interactive webinar where you will learn skills you can use the next day to help you plan experiences that address all 10 developmental areas and all ages. Plus… all attendees will receive a complimentary 10-day Teaching Guide!

Recorded Webinar

  • Learning about Gee Whiz: A Training Webinar for Providers


learning about Gee whiz: A training webinar for providers

Are you a current Gee Whiz customer that needs training on the curriculum?

Are you a provider looking to learn more about how Gee Whiz works?

Then this webinar is for you! Join Gee Whiz to learn to learn more about our amazing curriculum for family child care providers.  Gee Whiz is fully aligned with state and national ECE standards.  We are also approved in many states.  During this webinar, we will explore the components included in the curriculum, discuss how each is designed to be used, dig into our User’s Guide and review the daily lesson plans. There will be plenty of time for interaction and questions as well!

Recorded Webinar

  • Choosing & Using Gee Whiz


Choosing & using Gee Whiz

*Are you using a curriculum  that is hard to implement, very expensive  or both.

*Do you need a curriculum that provides a strong foundation but is flexible enough for you to add your own creative ideas?

*Do you have a mixed-age group and need a curriculum that addresses all ages?

If  you answered “Yes” to any of these questions then please pan to join Gee Whiz for our next FREE training webinar.  Just click the registration button and register.

Recorded Webinar

  • Mealtime is Learning Time



Did you know that mealtimes and snacks are learning times?  They are!  Please join Gee Whiz for our next interactive webinar, “Mealtime is Learning Time!”  During this webinar, you will have the opportunity to learn more about how you can reinforce all 10 developmental areas each day during mealtimes and snacks.  You will walk away with skills you can use the next day.  Please plan to join us!  Certificates of attendance will be available at the end of the webinar to those who complete the Post Assessment.

Recorded Webinar

  • No Money, No Problem


No Money, No Problem

Want to save money and create high-quality activities for your children at the same time? Then join us for this webinar!

You will learn how you can….
Use common household materials for learning activities
Address many different developmental areas while using household materials
Adapt the activities you plan to different development levels
Evaluate household materials for safety before using
Share ideas with other providers via the internet.

Recorded Webinar

  • What? Why? How? Open Ended Questions


What? Why? How? Open ended questions

What is an open-ended question? Why are open-ended questions important? How can you incorporate open-ended questions into your day? These are just a few of the open-ended questions we will answer during this webinar! At the end of the webinar, you will walk away with a strong understanding of how to formulate open-ended questions and then use them with children AND parents/guardians. You will also be able to add more open-ended questions into your day which should help to increase your adult-child interactions (which is an area evaluated on commonly-used environmental rating scales).

Recorded webinar

  • The Why Behind the Experiences


The Why Behind the Experiences

Are you able to identify all the developmental areas you address during each activity you do with the children? Do you know why it is so important to keep developmental areas in mind when planning experiences? These are just two of the important questions we will answer during our next Gee Whiz Cohort webinar, “The Why Behind Experiences & Gee Whiz.” As an attendee, you will learn more about all 10 developmental areas and then practice linking those areas to the experiences you plan. This webinar will be very interactive so put on your thinking caps and register to join us!

Recorded Webinar

  • Making Math Meaningful


Making Math Meaningful

Math is such an important part of any educational program and it needs to be explored in a meaningful, hands-on-way. Below are a few of the questions that will be answered: 

What is math knowledge in early childhood?

How can you adapt and integrate math into almost any experience?

Recorded Webinar

  • All About The Gee Whiz Curriculum


All about the gee Whiz curriculum

If you are a current Gee Whiz subscriber or looking  for a curriculum the take time to register.  During the webinar a few of the items you will learn are below :

How Gee Whiz is different from other curriculum option

How Gee Whiz addresses all ages in our daily lesson plans

How Gee Whiz addresses assessment


Recorded webinar

  • Introduction to Gee Whiz Education


Introduction to Gee Whiz Education

During this interactive webinar, you will learn more about how the Gee Whiz Curriculum:
– Saves you $ by addressing all ages in one program
– Makes meeting state/national ECE standards so much easier
– Assures you are addressing all 10 developmental levels for all age groups
– Can help you increase your environmental rating scores in many areas
– Most importantly….Is designed specifically for you…the family child care provider!

Recorded webinar

  • Connecting the Dots



At Gee Whiz, we know that many of you have questions about how you can connect our curriculum with your formal child assessment tool. Well, this webinar will help you explore just that and so much more! Please join us as we explore:
* How the Gee Whiz experiences connect to the 10 developmental areas
* How the Gee Whiz Learning indicators detail the skills addressed during each experience
* How you can connect Gee Whiz to your formal child assessment tool
* How you can use our Customized/Individualized Lesson Planning Form to plan and document individualizations
* PLUS – learn more about our Brand New Component (beginning with July 2020) called, “Connecting the Dots” – guaranteed to make your life a lot easier!

Recorded webinar

  • Exploring Diversity


Exploring Diversity

The “Celebrating Diversity” webinar will look at the following topics:

  • What is Diversity?
  • Why is Diversity Important?
  • How Can You Develop Cultural Understanding?
  • Tips for Bringing Diversity Into Your Program that Celebrate Diversity
The Online Curriculum Solution For Child Care Providers.

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