Please enjoy this guest blog by Angela Salas! As an NAFCC accredited Family Child Care provider, I make decisions every day to help children learn and grow. I am intentional…
Now is a perfect time to integrate healthy foods into your snack meal plans. With the recent adoption of the New Meal Standards for CACFP participants, it is more…
OK…so that sounds much easier than it actually is BUT lowering your own stress level can have amazing benefits for both you and the children you care for…
Does Gee Whiz Teach the Alphabet? So, we get this question all the time and thought a blog would be a great way to explain how the Gee Whiz curriculum…
At Gee Whiz, we are asked all the time, “Are you approved in ….?” OR “Does your curriculum align with…?” As more and more states look for curriculum materials that…
What is an anecdotal note? An anecdotal note is a factual, written record of a child. It includes who, what, how and sometimes where and when. It is written…
Potty training. These two words carry a lot of emotions for providers and children! Learning to consistently use the potty is a big developmental milestone for most children and one…
There are many states that now use star ratings for child care as part of their Quality Rating & Improvement System. Child care centers and family child care providers…
What characteristic behaviors should a child present at a given chronological age? Doesn’t that depend on the child, because each child is unique? Trying to determine whether a child…
Are Your Policies Crystal Clear? We’ve all heard the saying, “Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile.” Does this happen to sound like any of the parents/caregivers in…
Yuck! I’m Not Eating That! Does that response sound familiar? We bet it does! Young children are notorious for being picky eaters. One week they only want to eat peanut…