Who says that teaching materials need to be expensive? Some of the very best teaching tools can be found around your home and are free, or cost very little. Best…
3 Tips for Working with a Mixed-Age Group Infants. Toddlers. Twos. Threes. Fours. School-age. If you work with a mixed-age group, you may have all of these ages…
“What color is the sky?” “Do you like to eat apples?” “How many blocks did you use to build that Tower?” These are all questions that you might find yourself…
What is Self-Regulation? Does this term sound familiar? More than likely, it does! Self-regulation is a critical skill we all use each and every day. It involves our ability to…
Program Assessment: What is it and Why is it important? If you are like most providers, your program will be reviewed at some point during the year through the use…
What is Guided Play? Ms. Terri, a family child care provider, is blowing bubbles for the children to chase. She knows that as the children chase the bubbles, they will…
Merriam-Webster defines the word babysitters, “to care for children usually during a short absence of the parents.” While it is true that family child care providers care for…
Children are naturally curious, creative and imaginative. Why not choose gifts for them this holiday season that promote these natural, amazing characteristics? While the latest “hot” toy might be popular,…
What Do You Know About Early Childhood? It’s time for a test! Here are a few facts about young children we thought you might find fascinating. Feel free to share…
Transitions. They are a part of every day for you and for the children. The children are dropped off each morning and picked up in the afternoon. The children…
Please, Don’t Go! You’ve probably heard this phrase uttered many times over the course of your career and you will probably hear it many more. Often times, these words are…