How many times during the day do you hear this word from your toddlers and twos? Best guess…a lot! The ages between 18 months and 3 years can be very, very challenging for both children and the adults that care for them. This is a period of blossoming independence when little guys and girls are figuring out that they are their own unique people and not an extension of their parents or caregivers.
This desire for independence, unfortunately, conflicts with a level of development that is not quite in synch with the level of desire. For instance, a two-year-old may desperately want to pedal a tricycle by him/herself but just does not have the large motor control to do so. Or, on the other hand, a toddler may try to tell you that he wants a drink but just does not have the language skills to convey the information. All of this leads to frustration which, in many cases, leads to challenging behaviors.
So, how can you help children going through this state of development to learn how to handle these strong emotions? Well, here are a few ideas.
Even with all of these tips and tricks, just know that toddlers and twos are going through a very frustrating stage of development. In some ways, they are almost like teenagers…smiling one minute and screaming the next. Being prepared yourself will not only help reduce your stress level, it will give the children the skills they need to work their way through this challenging period in a constructive, positive way.