
Gee Whiz Informational Flyer for Families

We want to help you explain to families why you’ve chosen to use Gee Whiz in your program.  HERE is a helpful printable flyer you can use for this purpose.  The second page of this document contains a helpful “family contribution” worksheet if you plan on asking families to help pay for Gee Whiz.

Macro Composition Of Many Colorful Plastic Toy Letters And Word

How Do Children Learn about Letters?

Use this helpful informational flyer to explain to parents/guardians how children learn about letter and letter sounds in meaningful ways and NOT through worksheets. Click HERE.

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How Was Your Weekend? Report

We all know that weekends can be exciting but they can also be tiring for little ones. Our Gee Whiz User’s Guide contains a printable report (English & Spanish) you can use to give you a “heads up” about each child’s weekend.  This should help Mondays go much smoother! Click HERE.

The Online Curriculum Solution For Child Care Providers.

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